Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Check it Out: St. Petersburg Trade & Publishing House

In need of some old Soviet style propaganda to keep you motivated and in check? We know the perfect place: Saint Petersburg Trade & Publishing House on Brighton Avenue. This place has movies, books, CDs, and even cassette tapes (all in Russian)! Obviously, our favorite

little gift idea is the old Soviet propaganda posters like those above. Even more exciting we found a flyer at the store for Barynya which is an entertainment company where you can book anything from belly dancers to traditional Russian style orchestras. So next time you want to impress people with your worldly tastes, call these guys and get some performers to do the Kalinka at your event (see the video).

Another must have we found at St. Pete's was a wide selection of banya hats, which I wasn't quite sure what you needed one for until I checked their website. The product description states "Do not attend sauna when you are hungry or if you just had a meal. Do not wet your hair, wear a hat. Dry and covered hair will be protected from dehydration and overheating. When entering the sauna, sit at the bottom – give your body and your system some time to adapt to the heat. After some time inside the sauna, rinse with cold water, and then go back inside for 10 more minutes. Repeat two or three times. To protect yourself from overheating and burns, wear protective wool hats." Good to know....good-to-know.

We know what our family is getting for gifts this year!


rAD said...

i love the place, but i was pretty bummed when i returned home to Brighton Beach (from Russia no less, and I'm not Russian) and they had totally put up a new anglicized awning.

pronounced: Little Roos' said...

Rad: it is a shame, and this is actually a main reason behind us blogging about this area. We, along with you and many others are hoping to preserve the uniqueness of this neighborhood.

Thanks for the comment!